Search Results for “#humor”

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If they discover treasure on @CurseOfOak Island it will be a cache of chests filled with ox shoes.

#tv #humor

Jan 13, 2022

My new porn name is “choking hazard”.


Jan 1, 2022

I wonder if @RBReich is a third generation Robert Reich but he doesn’t tell people because of all the Third Reich jokes.

#politics #humor

Dec 9, 2021

These Windows Updates seem a little dated… and impossible.

#Windows #pedantry #humor

Nov 29, 2021

Argentini’s law states that the number of people annoyed by a car’s size, appearance, and/or sound is inversely proportional to the number of hugs the driver received as a child.

#philosophy #humor

Oct 24, 2021

Damn this pandemic. Our township is making all the kids wear masks on Halloween.

#covid #humor

Oct 22, 2021


Oh My Fucking God, Get the Fucking Vaccine Already, You Fucking Fucks
Oh My Fucking God, Get the Fucking Vaccine Already, You Fucking Fucks

#covid #politics #humor

Sep 6, 2021

It’s amazing to me that in 2021 there are still people who believe in round earth theory.

#atheism #humor

Sep 5, 2021

Life hack: you can take pills with a drink of water instead of hiding them in your food.


Sep 2, 2021

Are AAA batteries really that difficult to acquire and install.

#pedantry #humor

Aug 13, 2021

He may be a nut cake but you have to admire his commitment.

#atheism #humor

Jul 28, 2021

The next time a manned SpaceX rocket lands, everyone wear ape costumes.


Jul 19, 2021

I just realized that John Cougar Mellencamp thinks that 16-year-olds eat chili dogs by sucking on them.

#pedantry #humor

Jun 1, 2021

Apparently there’s a Japanese knock-off of Campbell’s Alphabet Soup. It only has pasta numbers and it’s named “Ramen Numerals”.


May 29, 2021

I think my hip hop name is Public Enema.


May 25, 2021

Grammar. Matters.

#pedantry #humor

May 7, 2021

I want to know how many fauxs must be killed and skinned to make a leather chair.

#pedantry #humor

Mar 22, 2021

If you purchased a FractureMe of an X-Ray of your broken leg, would that be a Fracture of a fracture?

#pedantry #humor

Feb 9, 2021

#Apple Watch owners, what does it mean when you get off the toilet and your watch congratulates you for closing your activity rings? Asking for a friend.

#tech #humor

Jan 9, 2021

No part of the animal is wasted making these gummies.

#pedantry #humor

Jan 4, 2021

WARNING: frozen lobster tails contain shellfish.

#pedantry #humor

Jan 2, 2021

To the people at @TotalGym, I don’t think the word “hero” means what you think it means.

#pedantry #humor

Jan 1, 2021

I’ve wondered the same thing for decades.

Pringles Update: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (Web Exclusive)
Pringles Update: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (Web Exclusive)

#food #humor

Dec 7, 2020

Being watched from behind. All. Day. Long.

#cats #family #humor

Dec 1, 2020

Contrary to the false claims of #Trump supporters, dead people did NOT vote in Michigan. They were at the polls looking for “brains”.

#politics #humor

Nov 12, 2020

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