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Is your cat a chonk?


Mar 20

Super astronomy nerd joke right here.


Mar 20

If the Oak Island team ever finds treasure it will probably be a cache of ox shoes and cribbing spikes.


Mar 20

Shel Silverstein predicted Chat-GPT in 1981.


Mar 15


Mar 8

Run Ollama In The Menu Bar On macOS With Custom Host Bindings

By default ollama runs on the localhost IP address of But if you want to host it on macOS somewhere else, it requires a system-wide environment variable change. The developers of ollama recommend running this command, and then relaunching ollama:

launchctl setenv OLLAMA_HOST ""

This works great! If you want to run this automatically at startup you can use a small AppleScript to create an application, and then add that application to your Login Items.

First, open Script Editor and paste the following code:

do shell script "launchctl setenv OLLAMA_HOST \"\""
tell application "Ollama" to run

This will bind all IP addresses to ollama and then launch it. Obviously, you can bind any specific IP address you like.

Next, in the File menu use the Export command to create an Application that is signed to run locally. Quit Script Editor and then put the new application in your Applications folder.

Finally, search for “Login Items” in System Settings. Remove any existing Ollama application from the list, and add your application.

Now when you restart and sign in, your application will launch, set the environment variable for the host binding, launch Ollama, and quit.

#YOUREWELCOME #Apple #macOS #code #tech #ai

Mar 2

So if IVF embryos are legally considered children can we claim them as dependents on our taxes? Can we do this every year since they never physically age? Do they legally age each year giving them the right to vote in 18 years? If they were implanted after 20 years would they qualify for social security at age 35? I have questions.

#gop #philosophy

Feb 29

Sometimes I think that parents send infuriating MAGA texts to their kids just to get a text message from them between holidays.

#humor #trump #maga #gop

Feb 26

MAGA is a dirty word. It’s a word that requires blind support for Trump; leave your critical thinking skills at the door. Bend to your confirmation bias. As Trump once said at a Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Kansas City, Mo, “don’t believe what you’re reading or seeing”. And his credulous supporters are happy to oblige. It’s madness.

#Trump #MAGA #GOP

Feb 25

And small hams.

#trump #meme #humor

Feb 25

It looks like we’re on-track to have VGER come back with so much research data that it will inadvertently destroy the earth.

NASA's Voyager probe stopped communicating. There's no quick fix.
NASA's Voyager probe stopped communicating. There's no quick fix.

#startrek #scifi #humor #science

Feb 24

As a software developer, when I hear the term “alpha male” I think these males must be unstable, missing important features, ridden with flaws, and not fit for public use.

#tech #pedantry #humor

Feb 21

#ElonMusk #humor #meme

Feb 21

Our Sneaker Con con-man Trump is selling $400 ugly sneakers. He doesn’t even wear sneakers. I don't think he has EVER worn sneakers. In his life. And they're made on-demand in (you guessed it) China. No existing stock. Because he sells ugly sneakers like a shady GoFundMe so when no one buys them he's not stuck with inventory. And he knows that's how this would go down.

Trump hawks $399 branded shoes at 'Sneaker Con,' a day after a $355 million ruling against him
Trump hawks $399 branded shoes at 'Sneaker Con,' a day after a $355 million ruling against him

#maga #trump #gop

Feb 19

If someone cheats on their taxes, cheats on their bank loans, cheats on elections, cheats on paying contractors, cheats at golf, cheats on magazine covers, and cheats on their wives, don’t ignore the pattern and assume they won’t cheat you too.


Feb 18

LM Studio is pretty awesome. Easily run your favorite LLMs right on your own computer. Unlike ChatGPT there are no request limits or abridged results.

👾 LM Studio - Discover and run local LLMs
👾 LM Studio - Discover and run local LLMs

#tech #software #recommendation

Feb 17

Who the hell is Anna Phylaxis?


Feb 17

If you gave #Trump an enema he could be buried in a matchbox.

Feb 15

I can turn money into wine, kind of like Jesus.

#facts #humor

Feb 14

#truth #meme #humor

Feb 14

Overzealous app design patterns for mouse hover modals, tips, and cards frequently cause user frustration by obscuring the items with which a user wants to interact. I see this all the time in everything from websites to software development IDEs. The solution? Exercise restraint and add options to disable these hover actions.

#developer #code #design #philosophy

Feb 13

The Hobby Lobby funded Super Bowl commercial about Jesus being poor and washing feet is a good reminder that Joel Osteen takes money from the poor and doesn't wash his own feet.

#religion #hypocrisy

Feb 12

How do we know that he was her mate and not just a friend? Wait. He did what to the bird? For 20 years?

Tributes Pour In For Crane Who Chose Zookeeper As Her Mate For 20 Years After She Dies At 42
Tributes Pour In For Crane Who Chose Zookeeper As Her Mate For 20 Years After She Dies At 42

#meme #humor

Feb 10

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About Non Sequiturs

Non Sequiturs is the personal blog of Michael Argentini.

I'm a software developer and Managing Partner for Fynydd and Blue Sequoyah Technologies, the project lead for Coursabi, and Āthepedia founder. I also have several nerdy open source projects on Github.

I'd describe myself as an Oxford comma advocate, autodidact, aspiring polymath, and boffin, with a mechanical keyboard addiction. You can also find me on Mastodon.

Michael Argentini

Copyright © 2024 Michael Argentini. All rights reserved.