Azure Data Studio Retired, Replaced By VS Code Plugin

You have to ask the question: Is Microsoft doing this to improve the experience for developers?

This reminds me of the deprecation of Visual Studio for Mac. It was “retired” in favor of VS Code last year. Funny, the word “retired” makes the app sound incapable; past its prime, ready for the newer and better solution to take over. In the case of ADS this is not true. For example, it's missing basic functionality like editing row data, and the co-mingled keyboard shortcuts are a disaster. In the case of Visual Studio for Mac, no developer in their right mind would choose a browser-based pile of anemic plugins you control from the status bar and a pop-up menu over a native IDE. After lots of promises and close to a year of waiting VS Code is still an objectively terrible replacement. VS Code appears to be an all-consuming black hole. Stay far away from its event horizon.

So the answer to my initial question appears to be no, they are doing these things to help themselves with regard to maintenance, resourcing, and ultimately cost.

#Microsoft #tech #developer #opinion

4d ago

The problem with American political discourse is that you can’t explain the impact of tariffs to people dumb enough to think DEI programs cause plane crashes.

Feb 2

#meme #humor

Jan 28

Wife: WTF is this pile of clothes doing on the floor?

Me: I struck down a Jedi.

Wife: I hate you.

Me: Yeeeess, use your hate…

Jan 22

Go ahead. Ask the question.

#humor #meme

Dec 30, 2024

Never shopping at this store.

#meme #humor

Dec 25, 2024

Robitussin Soft Chews, because who wouldn’t want to savor that disgusting Robitussin cough syrup flavor.

Dec 22, 2024

The Google Play Store Developer Experience Is Shit

I'm a software developer with decades of experience and apps in both stores and I can tell you that the Google Play Store developer experience is shit.

Here's a recent experience:

  1. My paid developer account was closed because I did not periodically update my bug-free app, which people were buying weekly; the account cannot be recovered and the associated email can never be used for a developer account again
  2. I signed up for a new account, paid the developer fee (again), established bank and personal info (again), shared driver's license (again)
  3. I deployed a new app only to find out that I need 20 testers to actively test it for 14 consecutive days, even though it's already in the iOS App Store
  4. Since I don't know 20 people with Android phones who can test my app for 14 consecutive days I had to pay a service to do the testing
  5. After 14 days Google made me answer a demeaning survey that is essentially me begging for access to production; someone at Google has to review and approve my answers before I am deemed worthy of production access
  6. I later learned that organization developer accounts do not have the testing requirements, which seems like a huge loophole and an inverted policy

I wonder how a 12-year-old version of me would be able to publish his first app given this nonsense. It seems like a horrible (and cheap) way to try and improve app quality. It will more likely reduce app quality through attrition. It feels like Google resents their developer community. And as a developer I can say that the feeling is mutual.

Dec 19, 2024

Panera is out of bread. McDonald’s is out of Donalds. This night sucks.

Dec 13, 2024

#LuigiMangione looks like half the people trying to connect with me on #LinkedIn which makes me even less likely to accept those invitations.

Dec 12, 2024

Now THIS is a Christmas I can get behind.

#humor #meme

Dec 10, 2024

Yes, that’s tuna fish, as in chicken poultry.


Dec 1, 2024

Using AI is like asking a teenager to do something they don't want to do. They use the most pedantic interpretation of your request to both avoid doing the work and to piss you off.

#tech #humor

Nov 27, 2024

My signature fragrance is called Elon Musk. It smells like baby powder and arrogance, with abandoned fart undertones.


Nov 25, 2024

Find joy where you can.

#humor #meme

Nov 20, 2024

If you’re going to get phished you might as well have fun with it.

#humor #meme

Nov 12, 2024

According to my TV I’m gay and need to masturbate while watching a couple guys renovate a kitchen.

#humor #meme

Nov 11, 2024

One of the last coal powered sheep. Most today are electric.

#humor #meme

Nov 8, 2024

“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.

“So do I,” said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

All of life’s answers lie in J. R. R. Tolkien books.


Nov 8, 2024

It’s funny to me (and ironic) that in a #MAGA America Jesus would have been deported.

Nov 8, 2024

There should be an app named Spots: dating for shingles.


Oct 25, 2024

Commercials: your product isn’t a “hack” if its purpose is specific to the problem or need in your messaging. Dish detergent isn’t a hack for keeping my dishes clean.

Oct 24, 2024

My wife just received a $41 gift card from the Jewel vape class action lawsuit, which she will ironically use to purchase cigarettes.


Oct 22, 2024

Apparently the NRA safety manual states that to safely unload a gun you have to shoot someone.

NRA Gets Bluntly Fact-Checked After Trying To Mock Tim Walz's Handling Of His Shotgun
NRA Gets Bluntly Fact-Checked After Trying To Mock Tim Walz's Handling Of His Shotgun

Oct 22, 2024

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