Is #Trump’s ego so fragile that he has to direct Wilbur Ross to threaten to fire NOAA staff that contradict his Sharpie hurricane forecasts? They were responding to calls from frightened Alabamans. So now we’re politicizing the weather.

Sep 10, 2019

About Non Sequiturs

Non Sequiturs is the personal blog of Michael Argentini.

I'm a software developer and Managing Partner for Fynydd and Blue Sequoyah Technologies, the project lead for Coursabi, and Āthepedia founder. I also have several nerdy open source projects on Github.

I'd describe myself as an Oxford comma advocate, autodidact, aspiring polymath, and boffin, with a mechanical keyboard addiction. You can also find me on Mastodon.

Michael Argentini

Copyright © 2024 Michael Argentini. All rights reserved.