Today's #GOP is not the party of Lincoln. It's the party of Booth.
In reversal, Virginia school board votes to restore Confederate names to 2 schools
Non Sequiturs is the personal blog of Michael Argentini.
I'm a software developer and Managing Partner for Fynydd and Blue Sequoyah Technologies, the project lead for Coursabi, and Āthepedia founder. I also have several nerdy open source projects on Github.
I'd describe myself as an Oxford comma advocate, autodidact, aspiring polymath, and boffin, with a mechanical keyboard addiction. You can also find me on Mastodon.
Today's #GOP is not the party of Lincoln. It's the party of Booth.
Breaking: #Trump refuses to accept the results of the presidential withdrawal, will continue to campaign against Biden.
Virginia continues to keep it classy.
Democrats don’t need to smuggle illegal immigrants into the US to grow their voter base. Republicans do it for them every time they take away more of our rights.
So if IVF embryos are legally considered children can we claim them as dependents on our taxes? Can we do this every year since they never physically age? Do they legally age each year giving them the right to vote in 18 years? If they were implanted after 20 years would they qualify for social security at age 35? I have questions.
Sometimes I think that parents send infuriating MAGA texts to their kids just to get a text message from them between holidays.
MAGA is a dirty word. It’s a word that requires blind support for Trump; leave your critical thinking skills at the door. Bend to your confirmation bias. As Trump once said at a Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention in Kansas City, Mo, “don’t believe what you’re reading or seeing”. And his credulous supporters are happy to oblige. It’s madness.
Our Sneaker Con con-man Trump is selling $400 ugly sneakers. He doesn’t even wear sneakers. I don't think he has EVER worn sneakers. In his life. And they're made on-demand in (you guessed it) China. No existing stock. Because he sells ugly sneakers like a shady GoFundMe so when no one buys them he's not stuck with inventory. And he knows that's how this would go down.
At a 2024 #Iowa #Republican Primary caucus site in Council Bluffs, the votes were read from folded pieces of paper in a popcorn bucket.
At some locations, voters wrote their choice on a brightly colored 3x5 card.
At another site, a #CNN reporter watched as workers ran out of ballots and were handing out pieces of yellow legal paper for voters to record their choice.
Tell me again how the #GOP can possibly claim to be the party of election integrity.
After everything that Donald Trump has said and done, and which has been excused, minimized, and discounted by Republicans, they’re losing their shit over this?
Nothing says “ban assault rifles” like 5 school officers, 8 federal DEA officers, 13 U.S. Marshals, 16 sheriff’s deputies, 25 Uvalde officers, 69 officers of nearby law enforcement, 91 state police officers plus 149 U.S. Border Patrol agents being afraid of 1 shooter with an AR-15.
In case you want to adjust your shopping habits accordingly…
This rings true to me. And I'd add that in many cases he's reinforcing the hate (and paranoia) the #GOP has convinced the #MAGA masses they should have.
Dear Ma & Pa MAGA,
Donald Trump didn't lower your taxes. He didn't get your roads fixed or your bridges built. He didn't get you healthcare coverage, lower the price of your prescriptions, decrease the deficit, end the opioid crisis, revive the coal industry. He didn't make “Covid disappear”, didn't make Mexico “pay for the wall”. He didn't “put America first” and he sure as hell didn't “drain the swamp”.
So when you say he “fought for you”, you mean he validated your hate. Because he didn't do a damn thing for you other than that.
He hates who you hate.
And sadly, that's all you think you need.
You're voting for the wrong people if their political party is:
Mike Lindell, founder of the Jesus pube-filled #MyPillow, pushes drones that detect election fraud. Odds are the only thing they’ll detect is 5% battery power after 15 minutes.
The #Trump #SaveAmerica Super PAC has been misappropriating donor money at a historic level. For example, Melania Trump's hair stylist was paid $108,000 in a 6 month period according to the PAC's financial filing.
So this U.S. Supreme Court case of Smith versus no one is either a litany of incompetence or a brilliant conspiracy.
The travesty of recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings that take away basic rights to opportunity and body autonomy is partly the failure of Congress to make these rights laws that the court is required to uphold.
Decades of financial gifts from Harlan Crow to Thomas, Gorsuch hiding $2M property sale to law firm with court business, and Roberts refusing to testify before the Senate regarding #scotus ethics… I think that we officially have the most corrupt Supreme Court in history.
The injustice of the Tennessee House expulsions has proven #CriticalRaceTheory as fact, like the theory of gravity, which will drop the hammer on these racist politicians.
Republicans are upset with #Trump for losing them midterm elections, not for seditious conspiracy or six-digit #COVID deaths. So much for the “party of law and order”, “family values”, and “country before party”.
Voting for Republicans because you’re impatient? Power swings only prolong inaction and political agony.
I’m still struggling with how someone can be pro-life and pro-death-penalty, and why those two positions tend to go together in the #GOP.
Dr. Oz: Socialized medicine would destroy patient access to medical care.
Also Dr. Oz: I know how critical Medicare is for seniors in Pennsylvania.
If Governor Ron DeSantis can secure $12M this year to fly migrants to other states, why can’t he instead spend that money on the judges he needs to process them?
Non Sequiturs is the personal blog of Michael Argentini.
I'm a software developer and Managing Partner for Fynydd and Blue Sequoyah Technologies, the project lead for Coursabi, and Āthepedia founder. I also have several nerdy open source projects on Github.
I'd describe myself as an Oxford comma advocate, autodidact, aspiring polymath, and boffin, with a mechanical keyboard addiction. You can also find me on Mastodon.
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